Tuesday, December 18, 2012

vivien, sally, 1948

Today I watched Anna Karenina, the 1948 adaptation starring Vivien Leigh. I must say that I was disappointed with the film because it left out so many of my favorite scenes, mostly the ones including Levin and Kitty: the iceskating scene in the beginning, their game with chalk that determines their engagement, and their little walk in the garden where they pick at a flower and laugh like children.

However, I did like how the movie was done. There were so many pretty scenes, I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach!

(During their stay in Italy)

I also thought Kitty was absolutely beautiful, and had the sweetest little voice!
I want to see the new Anna Karenina movie with Kiera Knightley, but I've gotten mixed opinions on it. I wish I could find out for myself whether it's enjoyable or not (and I hope there's much more Levin and Kitty in that one!). Until then, I will keep my hopes up.

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