The past couple of weeks have been pretty messy, I'm not sure what happened to the adventure trend the first part of April had going on, but by now it's gotten a little...well, messy. There really isn't a better word for it. So now I'm trying to clean up & sort it out.

I still found some pretty moments --there were some walks home from work, some rain-filled dirt, etc. My mood's been getting low again; it was naturally taking that turn, and then people began leaving and others started being cruel and now there are some missing puzzle pieces that I'm just going to have to fill with something else, somehow.
I had some poolside dates with C. and A., which eventually led to my first bad sunburn of the season (it actually looked much worse once I got home, so I'm still a little worried about it, but it's healing pretty nicely). But I've been getting some mini-doses of pool water (it's been chilly still), and even though I haven't had the concentration to read, at least I've been getting some fresh air (which is just as nice anyways).
(A. and I also went out for slushies, and it was so nice --the last time I had one was prom night and it was just what I needed that day).

I'm going to make the most out of the rest of May --students are leaving and this city will calm down and it will be slow and easy and I can recover and make my moves.
I also have a couple of happy and hopeful things planned out for this summer (like a trip up to PA in July), so being hopeful should help me ride out some of these bumps in May.
I also decided to try again for grad school --I'm not happy where I'm at (which we already knew), so I might as well plunge into something else, even after all this time. So I'm going to go for library & information science --at least, that's the goal, anyway. I think I can make it work. (Well, I have to, really). I won't have a choice but to be the reliable, clockwork Lizzie I've always been.
Well, I think that's about it for now.
Love, Lizzie. x
Love, Lizzie. x
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