I made a cardboard box viewer, which didn't end up working super well --but it's alright, I got (almost) everything I wanted to see out of the filtered leaves.
They made it look as if someone had spilled an aluminum can of crescents all over the sidewalk, and I think it was my favorite part of the whole experience.
To be honest, I was so distracted by the baby moons, that I forgot to make my hands into a filtering lattice like I had originally hoped for. I wanted to feel like part of the eclipse, but it's alright! It gives me an incentive to find and hunt down another one! c:
The moons filtering onto my balcony were a lot different than the ones on my sidewalk, so me being me, decided it'd be perfect for taking a photo of my current read (which is absolutely wonderful so far).
Okay, well that's it for my little sun-moon-earth-update. I'll see you again sometime soon, I hope!
Love, Lizzie. x