Yesterday I finally unpacked my room, and I simply love it! It's a bit of a dormer-attic-type room, and it's perfect. x

When I first arrived I was a bit terrified, I didn't think the furniture would fit in any nice manner, and I was not prepared for the slanted ceilings (with asbestos in the walls, but they say we are completely fine as long as the walls aren't damaged, so I'm super paranoid about what I do to them). But! I rearranged my side, and Tim lowered my bed some, so now I have a cute little nook for a sleeping area!
(And this is my closet door, we have old, cream-colored wooden doors with shiny, used knobs --and the keyhole! This made me so happy, you have no idea).

Then today I bought a little framed poster of a couple kissing on a mini-swinging-pirate-ship-ride and a post card of the Mad Hatter, March Hare & the Door Mouse, and they're hanging on my bedside wall. They look so nice, I just need to find more things to hang up (my side looks absolutely plain and barren).
And here's my shelf and things. x

Also yesterday, Tim and I walked around the Arboretum across the street, and oh we had such a silly, wonderful time. We tried to sit in a tree, but I couldn't get onto the branch (even when Tim tried lifting me) --but he struggled getting onto it too, so I guess it was just too tricky of a tree. But one day we'll have a tree branch photo, so until then, we'll resort to laying in the grass!
And then when we got up, we had wet dirt stains on our knees and elbows, as if we were children again! It was quite refreshing. (And then later that night, we had a water fight, and I wanted him to win and I let him and I was happy to be a cutesy good sport, because he got to pour water on my head --after I tried snatching it away of course --and it was just sweet and silly and very childish). xx
And here are some other photos of the large garden:
This is the iconic style of picture taken at the arboretum: the look down the walkway.
A small snap of the walkway.
Amur Maple: its name reminded me of amour, and bitten, half-gone heart-shaped leaves surrounded the sign, which I found a bit bitter-sweet.
I don't think I looked at their names, but I thought this came out nicely.
There's a butterfly on the bush, eating I assume --but as I tried to get closer a little bumblebee scared her to another flower --too far away from me to get. Oh well. x
Classes start up again tomorrow, and then I have my first little shift at work, so I'm excited! (Although I'm more excited for Wednesday, when I have my Russian classes~).