My head's been a bit of a storm this week (and it's only Wednesday). I've come to realize: I should no longer read literature to study it, but to simply just enjoy it (whether people think I am simple-minded or not), I shall learn to draw and illustrate (for when I write little children's stories and "Roses are Red" poems), and I have a problem where I want to purchase clothes with almost every paycheck (though I still have a few Christmas gifts left to buy!).
But this top is simply too pretty to pass up (and it has lace!). I have a blouse similar to it, but I cannot help it. This Friday I will certainly be buying it, I hope. x
Other things on my wish-list would include an antique book of constellation maps and drawings, a collection of Beatrix Potter stories (I love rabbits; if I ever have a baby girl, Peter Rabbit will certainly be her "baby theme," and I will spoil her with plush little rabbit toys and adorable stories), and a ticket to the new Anna Karenina movie (after I finish the novel, of course).